Change in Workout and a New Strava Personal Record
Rowing for 60 minutes, followed by a 5-km run, yielded better results than running or rowing for 85 consecutive minutes.

In the past few months, and until three days ago, my exercise routine comprised of running or rowing. The duration of my workouts had been climbing steadily, and it reached a point where I was doing one of these activities (rowing or running) for about 85 minutes at one sitting. The penalty for this type of exercise routine was not being able to exercise for over three consecutive days, sometimes requiring a rest day after only two straight days of exercise. So three days ago, I did something different – I rowed for 60 minutes and followed that up with a 5 km run. It felt good. Because I had lots of work to do on September 20, I rowed for 85 minutes to complete some work later in the evening. Yesterday evening (September 21), I rowed for 60 minutes and ran 5.24 km. I felt fast, but it was tough towards the end. I later found out I had run my fastest 5 km recorded on Strava!